Sunday, 20 October 2013

Think/ See/ Wonder

I think they are taking a big breath before they swim.  I think they are going to be in a fight, "Hey Bro come at me."  "Nah, nah."  "Ow, ow, what was that for?"  I wonder if they are cooling down from a hot sunny day.  "It's really hot," said the girl monkey.  "I'm feeling lazy today,"said the middle monkey.  Then they swam.
By Patience

I think it is a mammal because it has hair and it is warm blooded.  I see three chimpanzees, they are orange and their faces are red.  I wonder if they are going to find a new home over the black and orange rock.  They started to get angry at each other, so they started to fight.  They scratched, punched and they kicked and then the fight was over.  She ran away to find her own house.  She found one it was colourful with lots of bright colours.  It had red, green and yellow.  When she found it, she then went to the monkey shop to get the groceries.
By Ataahua

I think the monkey is saying, "Do you want to fight?" But the girl said, 'you don't have to fight."  "But he started it," one of them said.  "But look we need to find a home before the predators attack us."  "Let's climb over the rocks, come on," said the girl monkey.  But the  boy monkey said, "Let's give up."  I wonder if they are looking for food for their baby monkey. 
By Kyrah

I think the chimpanzees are near other animals.  I think Michael Jackson put a costume to disguise himself as a chimpanzee.  I see three chimpanzees, one looks angry.  I see water, clouds and rocks.  "Well, I'm going to have a dip,"said Emily.  "Why don't you come?"she said.  "Na, you can go," said Henry.  "I'll stay here."
"Move out of the way guys, bbrrr its cold." Said Emily.  "I guess it is a little chilly." said Nigel.  "I'm going to check out what's over there, hey come and look here its out old pal Bruce, " said Emily.  "Hahaha nice to se you, Kei te pehea koe? she said.  "Kei te makariri ," said Bruce.  "It's getting deep, we better go back, you coming Bruce?" "Sure I'll come he said.
By Natahlia


  1. wow what lovely stories

  2. To Room 9
    I love all your 'thinking' about this interesting photo!
    I think the monkeys jumped out of the freezing cold water and are holding onto the rocks so they don't fall back in in!

    From Mrs Natusch
    Room 7
    Vardon School

    1. that is a really nice comment I think they might be in a fight? thank

      you for commenting by patience

  3. Wow! That is amazing writing. Hello form sunny Tauranga. We are enjoying reading your blog and finding out more about kids round our country!

    Mrs Price and Room3-4 at TPS

    1. Hello sunny Tauranga you have a really nice name my name is patience I injoy reading a watching stuff from your blog by patience

  4. Wow room 9 that learning looks amazing and very fasinating.
    Do you really think that the monkey has warm blooded skin?
    We are room 3 @ T.P.S

    From Charlotte and Scott

    1. I have no I dear? I think they are I will ask my teacher about that one by patience

  5. Thanks and it is warm blooded
